Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This is known as the perfect male body shape. You have a trapezoid body if…
Your shoulders and chest are broad
Your waist and hips are medium-narrow
Your upper torso is bigger than your lower torso
You are well-proportioned
Your body type is one of the easiest to dress, you can choose from the greatest variety of styles.
Inverted Triangle
You have an inverted triangle body shape if…
Your shoulders and chest are broad
Your shoulder, arm and chest muscles are well developed and bulky
Your waist and hips are narrow
Your upper body is significantly heavier than your lower body
Your main style aims are...
to balance your lower body to your upper body, by wearing trousers with straight or wide legs. And to ensure your shirts, t-shirts and jackets fit well.
You have a rectangle body shape if…
Your chest, hips and waist are about the same width
Your torso shape is straight
Your main style aim is...
to create the illusion of a trapezoid shape by choosing styles to emphasize your shoulders.
You have a triangle body shape if…
You are bottom heavy
Your chest is narrower than your hips
Your lower body is heavier than your upper body
You probably also have a sloping shoulder line
Your main style aim is...
to create the appearance of broader, squarer shoulders.
Do wear...
Jackets with shoulder pads
Jacket, shirt and t-shirts shoulder seams no wider than the edge of your shoulder
This body shape is also called an apple body shape. You have this shape if…
Your overall appearance is round
You have a large stomach
Your main style aims are...
to create the appearance of a longer and slimmer torso.

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